Compilation with some of the Digimon series I did this year. I put a lot of effor on these designs 😎 wich series was your fav?

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The DNA Digievolutions from Digimon02 in the parallel universe are done. Wich one is your fav: Saichanimon, Bytemon or Aerosmon??

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Last ADN digievolution in this parallel universe. Ex Veemon X Ankylomon

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In a parallel universe, in Digimon 02, Angemon and Aquilamon DNA digivolve together. How would you name this new Digimon?

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Its main attacks are:
-Sun-Strike. Strikes with its weapon, causing an
explosion as intense as the sun.
-Gold Horn. Attacks the opponent with its horns
wrapped in golden flames.

Biyomon can also digivolve to Alicantomon if uses the Courage crest.

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I guess I was feeling nostalgic or something? So here's Daisuke/Davis from Digimon Adventure 02.

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Just a clue about my next DIGIMON series

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i think if i take a 2nd crack at it i can do a much better job, but i wanted him to be more bulky then medival gallentmon

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The day I finally make the kaiju massacre comic is the day I can finally move on in life

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