A unas cuantas horas para el estreno de Digimon aventure last kizuna.
Acá te comparto una imagen de y compartiendo un momento único e inigualable.
Nos vemos ✌🏽

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En un mundo perfecto donde los de 02 no son relleno, en realidad son la "Digital Secret Police" encargada del orden del Digital World desde las sombras y vigilando a todos las 24/7.
Y es un Crossover.

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....*coughs* I really freaking love XD So...I've never drawn two people kissing before...ever XD But this happened! and for Day 11...I blame the prompts for making me think too much of Digimon XD

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Did more art for my art challenge one is just some fun and art whereas the other is more art XD is trying to make sense of Jogress when just shows up and makes him blush XD So many tags lol.

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Welp, I fell behind in my October art challenge. As I can't sleep, I've done six days and I'm in a mood today so here's the two that ended up as cause and are freaking cute together! ^^(I have never shipped a ship so hard)

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My little contribution to the
I would love to see more Digimon content in the Western.
(¿Y dibujé algo relacionado a Adventure para llamar la atención? Totalmente)

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Roleplay I'm in resulted in this XD BOOM! Evil / and poor is just watching in absolute horror. You know things are serious when the goggle boy discards the goggles.

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