Bom dia senhores! Dormiram bem?
Meu dindin voltou antes do que esperava e comprei L4D. Quando der eu já vou jogar 🙂

Fofinha eu ewe

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Artist! Mamaku marah tiap liat gambarku yg kutempel di dinding kamarku😄😄,katanya gaguna

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Hasil experimen 3d pose ku. Ntah apa aku emang ga bakat moseinnya atau emang susah, tp aku liat posenya jd jelek banget, ga natural 🫠 Fyi, ini aku mau bikin pose yg cowo nyender ke meja di depan dan yg cewe nyender ke dinding, dua2nya ditopang tangan 🫠

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Babu! Ini begimana ya cara ngambilnya? 😭😭😭😭 ada dinding transparant.. bingung ;____;

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im finally guna post smth new...ill finish it after i eat dindins (hand cens0red cuz idk how to draw them tee hee hee ^_^)

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hyogoro dari gw mau jadiin ini jadi pajangan dinding kira2 ada yg mau beli ngga ya?

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dindindin, they never have my hair

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Youkai! Nukekubi tepatnya :3

Ngelepasin kepala buat berkeliaran nyari mangsa~
Khusus ni bocah, dia lebih prefer badannya disimpen di tempat aman, jdi defaultnya kepala + baju melayang gitu ae pke sihir
Bisa tembus dinding jugaa

4th pic dr lagu "Ghost City Tokyo" hehe

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Yume platonic 🌺💫

Untukmu, yang tidak pernah menyerah dalam melewati berbagai dinding yang menghalangi, dan menjadi penyemangatku dalam mengejar mimpi.

Selamat ulang tahun, Rosho! 🎉🎂

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Adek - Kakak sama-sama berusaha buat trobos dinding nya mas crush

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Não paguei IA mas paguei pra fazer essa arte belíssima. Por favor, ces podem fazer o que quiser com o dindin de vcs, mas valorizem os artistas também poxa 🥺
Queria poder comissionar mais artes assim dos artistas que gosto e não vai ser com IA q vou gastar meu suado R$

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Now I can post the art of Dindin's sona without it being darkened

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+ de 1 ano de lives realmente tem um certo efeito
Tem uma fila de models descartados antes do que realmente vai ser usado pra evitar ficar gastando um dindin eu q nao tinha impulsivamente, so nao tinha reparado q mudou tanto meu design de la pra ca.
Sinto que agr realmente to +

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DindinMakesArt is a self-taught digital artist with a love for fantasy and storytelling. Her inspiration usually comes from the stories she and her friends create in their TTRPGs, but you may occasionally spot your favorite fandom in her work if you take a look.

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Masih belum ada gambar lain dari si dindin

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Alguém compraria olhinhos por 15zão? Quero pedir commission de emote pro canal e necessito de dindin 👉👈

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Had a good day despite having to cancel stream from having a headache. Got a few commissions done, and made a few DIY sketchbooks. KW bringin me some tasty DairyQueen dindins and I'm continuing to rest up. Have a good rest of your Tues and see you Thurs live on stream!

1 8

Precisamos de mais Kobolds Coloridosem Arton!!
Encomendado por

Mango, Tostão, Bufunfa, Pila, Tibar, Verdinha, Merreca Faz-me-rir, Dindin, Cascalho

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DINDIN 딘딘 Instagram Update

“ The importance of the center... ❤️
Teacher Taemin is the best~!
Let's gooooo 1 park boys!

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