Yay! Dinotracker app model! :D

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Tupandactylus defends its nest! Based off the new Mattel figure. I was about to give it teeth like the figure but it looks so weird. The dinotrackers line is a mixed bag. Been cherry picking my way through the first wave. Just waiting on the Hammond Collection like most people.

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Made this before the official images were out. Looks like early renders had the entire head white, but in typical fashion they dialed down the paint. I like how we don’t even talk about them not having nail paint at this point.

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These new species are getting crazier and crazier. On one hand I think it’s awesome, but on the other hand we still haven’t gotten all the Jurassic species and their variations. please just finish off the Jurassic species.

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We’ve been getting smaller ceratopsians so this Diabloceratops was a welcomed addition. It’s definitely giving a Sinoceratops body type which you know I love. My shelf is so full at this point, I have no idea where it’s going.

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More species incoming! I saw that they’re going for something like the camoxtreme line with dinosaurs adapting to different climates. I’ve wanted them to do something like this for forever!

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Female Sinoceratops (so yeah, green variant is actually female) that can be found on DinoTracker dino sightings poster! 2/2

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Close look at male Tyrannosaurus that can be found on DinoTracker dino sightings poster! 1/2

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Close look at female Tyrannosaurus (i assuming it's Doe from Lost World) that can be found on DinoTracker dino sightings poster!

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Free Friday Giveaway.
I will airdrop (stegosaurus) To 1 of my followers who retweets and likes this post.

9 13

Bright lights and loud noises can scare the normally peaceful Sinoceratops. Even if the animal looks calm, extreme caution should be taken. I hope we see a little more of my favorite dino, it didn’t even show up on the dino tracker globe.

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Dino crisis and Dino crisis 2 is a third person perspective survival horror or action adventure video games by Capcom wewish from all the jurassic world fans to help us request remaster definitive edition Remakes from Capcom official Twitter accounts

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