Sending out about 700+ backer emails with keys, it'll take a little time but the keys are on their way! 🔑 ✉️

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The demo is live right now, the game launches tonight!

See everyone in the land of Ontonia soon!

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For streamers & reviewers, if you'd like a review copy of for Steam. Send an email to with the subject "Dizzy Hearts"

Please include a link to your website/channel, and keys will be out in the new few days as we gear up for launch.

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Patreon members who are $20+ or have a lifetime contribution of $200+ will get a free copy of our next upcoming game title.

This deal only lasts until December 5th!

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All that being said, this just unlocked for the public

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A new update for Backers & Patreons, the chibi charm preview is up!

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We're working on the final polish pass of ch1 right now

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Rewards have been sent out to all our supporters! check your emails, there's a bunch of chibi goodness to unpack as well!

Check out our patreon if you're interested in becoming a supporter!

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On the road towards Chapter 1 Release~!

Queen Llend

8 35

We've made a special announcement regarding release!

Free demo to drop this month

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drew Irraere for our poll, this month's theme was Barmaid!

Full version:

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I'm sure you've all heard how bad Steam has been sales wise this summer. we're severely limited by our funding to work on projects until is out

If you love what we do could you consider supporting us on Patreon? Every $ goes to development!

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The backer & patron beta testing will begin August 12th at 5pm PST!

Members who sub $20 in the next few days also get access!

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Explore more about the land between the day and the night, whether it's called the rift, or the veil. It's a dangerous and ancient land!

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Practiced by the priestesses of Mylbriia, this tarot set from the Kickstarter is nearing completion!

The tarot set comprising the major arcana, with a unique twist showing the story of the snow elves of Ontonia, will be sold on our store early next year!

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We have some great new updates for this week about our plans for the rest of the year as nears the final stages of development!

I can't wait to send the finished script off to to begin recording.

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