Emergency Scroll

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This simple glass bottle has a scroll sitting inside it, engraved on the base of the bottle are the words ‘Break in the case of emergency”

(after the powers? pop over to https://t.co/WDC2Unex4M )

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Caleb being charmed by this lovely demon, Ignur. Certainly not making a pact while falling into nothingness 👀

Ignur was created for a homebrew dnd campaign, more details on my instagram~

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Ignur - The disguised demon fiend known as Aries.

Quite the handsome redhead demon 👀

He was created for a homebrew dnd campaign, more about it on my Insta!

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Lock of Celestial Hair

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

Glowing with a divine light, this lock of hair fills you with hope as you hold it.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Day 24, Prompt: Duck! Simple description today. But I remembered process pics!

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Intuitives Pipe

“You see, it’s someone in this room.” The tall investigator took a puff on their pipe, “In fact it is you Lady Gallins!”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Frost Fruit

Mrs Nogg swears by this fruit. They never spoil, they make an amazing, if not slightly hazardous pie, and are great at making your perishables last longer.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Fragrance of Concealment

“Did you smell something?”
“No, nothing.”
“Aye that’s what’s wrong, sound the alarm! It should smell like a dead hamster down here.”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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I Wanna Be A Pyromancer Bracelet

This dark golden bracelet is ringed with what appear to be rubies and a faint smell of woodsmoke lingers around it.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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The Golden Goblin

“Aye a smiling Goblin…. Always a worry….”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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It is day 14 and as part of our collaboration with we are fixing another of WoTC oversights.

Behold. The Dire Rat.

Get the PNG: https://t.co/RSyGflRcoQ

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‘Dragon Tooth’

“The strength of a long dead dragon flowed through him; his preternatural health was a thing of marvel. Pity he was a ruthless monster who relished in combat…”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Destiny Candle

“Aye the luck of ‘The Brotherhood’ is anything but natural, but you know what they say, the more you push your luck, the bigger the price you pay.”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Circle of Bloom Druid
Subclass inspired by Ahsha and her clan from Cardfigt Vanguard

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Elixir of Luck

“Aye, he was lucky. He always managed to somehow be about to fail and the somehow succeed. Though as always, one day your luck runs out.”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Tome of Mimicry

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

“Watch what you say when in an Izon Supremacy Court, or your words may just come back to bite you.”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Bronze Familiar

This delicately crafted bronze figurine can take many forms, with the most common being a Wizard.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Bone Hook

Crafted from the bone of an undead creature, this vicious looking large hook is cold to the touch.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Angel Egg

“I didn’t know Angels laid eggs?”
“Makes sense, they’ve got wings.”
“ What about Aasimars then?”…….

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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I made these using NaturalCrit for anyones use. You wanna add these to your campaign? Go ahead, let me know how it goes. I just like making content for DnD as a hobby.

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