How much does a dragon weigh?

It depends on the scales...

2 14

Trust me; necromancy is the last thing you'll need......

6 27

Hey BeaDnDers
Today tune in to and watch some awesome

The show is going to be amazing and is sponsored by an truly legendary cat!

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Hey BeaDnDers tune in this Sunday to
The show is going to be amazing and is sponsored by an truly legendary cat!

1 4

Why are dragons hunted by dwarves in the morning?

The early beard gets the wyrm....

0 15

Hey BeaDnDers

Tomorrow the amazing Charlie starts working with us full-time!

As well as being a truly delightful person, Charlie is our resident Vampire the Masquerade go to!

1 9

Question of the Day: Is an Aarakocra Cleric also therefore a Bird of Pray?

4 46

Mouthwash of the Ice Lands

Potion, Rare

Small beads of frost form on the outside of this bottle and as you lift it small snowflakes swirl around in the liquid inside.

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Staff, Legendary (requires attunement by a Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard), Cursed

This staff has a strange glow & as you lift it you feel the need to struggle against authority.

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Hellfire Potion

Potion, Rare

The glass bottle of this potion has two glass horns protruding from it. You can hear the faint sound of fire and screams wafting from the bottle.

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Emergency Scroll

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This simple glass bottle has a scroll sitting inside it, engraved on the base of the bottle are the words ‘Break in the case of emergency”

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Lock of Celestial Hair

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

Glowing with a divine light, this lock of hair fills you with hope as you hold it.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Intuitives Pipe

“You see, it’s someone in this room.” The tall investigator took a puff on their pipe, “In fact it is you Lady Gallins!”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Frost Fruit

Mrs Nogg swears by this fruit. They never spoil, they make an amazing, if not slightly hazardous pie, and are great at making your perishables last longer.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Fragrance of Concealment

“Did you smell something?”
“No, nothing.”
“Aye that’s what’s wrong, sound the alarm! It should smell like a dead hamster down here.”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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I Wanna Be A Pyromancer Bracelet

This dark golden bracelet is ringed with what appear to be rubies and a faint smell of woodsmoke lingers around it.

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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The Golden Goblin

“Aye a smiling Goblin…. Always a worry….”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

1 9

‘Dragon Tooth’

“The strength of a long dead dragon flowed through him; his preternatural health was a thing of marvel. Pity he was a ruthless monster who relished in combat…”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Destiny Candle

“Aye the luck of ‘The Brotherhood’ is anything but natural, but you know what they say, the more you push your luck, the bigger the price you pay.”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Elixir of Luck

“Aye, he was lucky. He always managed to somehow be about to fail and the somehow succeed. Though as always, one day your luck runs out.”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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