My husband's VERY handsome rogue for an upcoming campaign, a Beach Elf named Talon <3

Last Reupload lol

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I saw Rabbitfolk and just went “Yes”. So meet Zoey, my Rabbitfolk Barbarian(Path of Wild Magic)

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My new 4'10 adult half elf Cleric for a friends DnD campaign~ Her name is Nightshade. She is supposed to be like that creepy girl in horror movies.

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"On Wednesdays, I wear pink. You can, too, if you want."

Started out as a joke, but now it's canon. My for a friend's wears pink 😂

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Today on the other two finished from last week's con!

L: 's character Sienna
R: A high school buddy's mage-barbarian character (I wasn't given a name and I forgot to ask oof)

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