Favourite episodes of Jodie's seasons

S11 - It Takes You Away (one of my favourites across all of
S12 - The Haunting of Villa Diodati
S13 - War of the Sontarans

I do like all the specials but I'll go for Eve of the Daleks. https://t.co/ej9ZxYpAKc

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87. a matching dhawan master sticker as well! same thoughts as above (#doctorwho)

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86. a thirteen sticker from a bit after spyfall aired, i might remake this some day because i don’t really like how it looks 😔(#doctorwho)

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28. another two for one deal hehe, these are from the masterversary big bang event on tumblr! fics these are based on are (in order) https://t.co/uhUzpTCTez and https://t.co/0EmvSMVS04 (#doctorwho)

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12. ok so back when i was watching classic dw i decided to start a series of drawings for every companion based around their departure (i gave up at steven’s 🥲) (#doctorwho)

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10. i also miss the pure insanity of the week after ascension of the cybermen aired. i was a different man back then i stg (#doctorwho)

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Found some old designs from 2012/13, two were made in SketchUp and the other is a drawing coloured in Photoshop. 1's a dinosaur space-time ship, 2's a genetic depository station, and 3's a Silurian (#doctorwho) ship.

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This is : author of (gender-swapped space opera Dumas), host of (#DoctorWho) and writer of a short audio story only available to Kickstarter backers! Check out her work: https://t.co/HHNlz8T9R9. Back us: https://t.co/Fow9kiNUG3

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I love Missy aka The Master. (#DoctorWho)

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-ll Gallifrey (DoctorWho)ll-

Thanks to and for the beautiful renderings! : D
Pmc : https://t.co/hQHbfVR2QZ

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