Dodogama, the pebble snacker.

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Dodogama too, although not so obvious.

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Last year I started playing Monster Hunter World and I've been OBSESSED with this game ever since. I've played for MANY hours. For that reason I drew these chibi monsters (Dodogama, Pukei Pukei, Paolumu and Tobi Kadachi).

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Dodogama Gijinka, I call her affectionately: DodoMama xD
i Hope you like it <3 <3 <3

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We never kill Dodogama, it’s a rule so that is what I am giving you owo

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Speaking of older art, have some chibis I made back in 2020 🥺❤ the dodogama one is my favorite still LMAO


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Tim 🤢 drake 🤮 as DODOGAMA , I hate hate that thing and the other one is dodogama

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(Also requested by )

Dodogama... hadn't played World up to the point where we get to it, but it sure well is a Fanged Wyvern alright.

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Big bois from arrived!
I hope to print more monsters in my style in future

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Its Dodogama but also



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congrats on being the resident silly of the series. dodogama

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If Capcom ever brings Dodogama back to Monster Hunter he should be given the kelbi treatment as in you can not kill or capture the best boi only knock him out.

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Drew my Dodogama named Kai after talking about him over at Discord.

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Tu personaje con ese color y azul y siendo tan chiquito no hace parar de pensar en el Dodogama! ¡Es muy lindo!

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I love you to the sky and back ✨

Tetsuboi is red, Dodoboi is blue
No matter how far we're apart
I will always find you~


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