Day 29: Wedding
She'd only agree if he'd be the one wearing the dress 👍
He looks better in it anyway lol

19 255

Day 28: First time
UhhH yeah I rather keep the challenge sfw. Or.. as sfw as possible. =v=

26 586

Día 24: final 7
Día 25: amor

Aquí unos nuevos dibujos, espero que les gusten (el día amor no supe cómo hacerlo)

(Day 24: ending 7
day 25: love

Here are some new drawings, I hope you like them (the day love I did not know how to do it))

3 21

Day 26 - Suki trying to study but Doe is sat on his desk distracting him

4 36

Day 24 - for ending 7 Suki will end up with Doe but only if they leave the time loop so he can go outside .. finally

3 26

Day 23 - rushed this one I’m returning from a convention but it be Doe birthday so he gets attention from Suki a bit more

2 15

Day 22 - Because Doe did such a good job looking after Suki, Suki wanted to kiss Doe as a thank you while they watch tv

6 33

Day 21 - Suki woke up feeling sick but Doe is there to look after them !

4 57

Day 20 - Suki is just sleeping they can go to work later but Doe doesn’t seem to mind it

5 32

Day 14 : Sweater
(note: Since the Realtor's Clothing is part of his skin, Simon wears other pieces over his original clothing, and no, it's not uncomfortable for him)

5 43

DÍA 10: Cena
Tenia que hacerlo digital XD se ve muy lindo
(Perdón por no publicar nada, disfruten el dibujo)
DAY 10: Dinner
I had to make it digital XD it looks very cute
(Sorry for not posting nothing, enjoy the drawing)

10 124

I made it to day 10!
Today's theme: Dinner-
How to politely ask him to pls never 'cook' again? 🤢
Also the cracks on him are still from the last post ehehe

17 217

Día 8: regalo
Día 9: abandonado

Los saque juntos para hacer tiempo ya que he estado ocupada, espero que les guste

(Day 8: gift
Day 9: abandoned

I took them out together to make time since I've been busy, I hope you like it)

3 23

Atrasarme en el es mi pasión
Día 5 -Traje-
Amo los trajes victorianos 💘

3 30