absolute dogshit, but he would fare pretty well when if came to toxic plants n shit (even though all the poisons he deals with are synthetic) https://t.co/kKMBjjLS54

0 0

As I’ve mentioned, Vs Mouse is notorious for being dogshit, and people most likely watched assuming it would be as dogshit as it originally was, and others are watching because the mod has actually become playable. Others won’t give it a chance at all which is also sad- (3/??)

0 0

Watched the Rescue Rangers movie.
While the movie was fucking dogshit, 4chan collectively losing its shit over Gadget was the funniest thing I've seen this year and I couldn't contain myself.

10 137

We're building a community you want to be in, without the same old we all deal with🤜🤛

If you want to collect don't fall for the scams of Boring unoriginal Clone Projects.

🖕Rug Pulls⛔️

1 5

She's written like absolute dogshit, but this is a top tier look ngl

0 0

I wanna make it so bad but I know for a fact it'll come out dogshit, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

0 2

here's some dogshit, you're welcome

1 2

I can still QRT your asses, and imma say that this looks like dogshit, you're wasting your talent on some dumb fuckery that could be spent on literally anything else that's better, but nope

You'll never fucking learn from making shitty sequels like this one, and that's obvious https://t.co/uHhPi7ABnp

6 113

If my luck was not dogshit, I'll definitely pull for ganyu rerun

1 4

why is photoshop deemed a professional program? why do I have to use it for my class?????? it's literal dogshit, its a broken mess on a computer that runs CSP and sai with NO ISSUES

literally wouldn't spend a cent on this godawful program.

1 8

Sad that the english cover of chainsawman looks like dogshit, it should've looked like the german cover. Just translating the title an dmake it look like the original without destroying the bright colours as well

0 1

I left the studies after 5 months, I wasn't learning anything and the teachers were dogshit, so I'm just doing it by myself.

1 2

7. I don't feel like typing out every Sonic game I think is dogshit, so here's a crop from my Sonic games tier list instead

0 4