4 Butlers enter, one Butler leaves
-All Butlers' families are held hostage and will be discomforted if their Butler loses
-Battle Royale on American Gladiator set, 1 winner

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Knotober 9: 🪢 This helpful dude will sneakily sew your buttons back on. I got out my markers to try some stippling in white and I like how it turned out!

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Enemies / Aberrations:

-Blazing Knight Macdeba
-Uncrowned Knight Demna


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Domovoi Morozov, Gnome Sorcerer

This guy has a prehensile beard that he can manipulate the size of at will. He's got a bit of a Napoleon complex and likes to use his beard to tower over others

Really happy with how this turned out 🥰

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Day 18 - Domovoi (and his beautiful wife Kikimora)

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Late night character design/color test for an upcoming personal project based on Russian folklore.

Domovoi are mischievous house spirits that can shapeshift into animals and occasionally even humans!


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Some Kaneko designs that have been kept in the dark since the '90s (not counting re-releases): Nacht Kobold, a domestic kobold; Nyalmo(t), a yeti variant; Domovoi, Slavic house spirit; and Suiko, a type of kappa.

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One of the races in my fantasy game Raijonen, the Domovoi, furry little house spirits that are a lot stronger than they look.

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Barabashka in Russian mythology is a noisy spirit. It is believed every building has its own barabashka. Also “barabashka” is nickname for an angry household spirit domovoi. If for some reason domovoi gets angry then he begins to make noises.

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Atony - A Mare (dreameater). Very old and very powerful, but fairly immature. Is often alone, and therefore willing to do anything to make a friend happy, even if it's unhealthy.
Millon - Depressed & abandoned domovoi. A shadow of his former self. Misses the past dearly.

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ただいまを持ちまして、Seventh Parade「Mermaid Queen」のアーカイブを含む配信を全て終了いたしました。

次のパレードは、Eighth Parade「Domovoi」です。12月に劇場でお会いいたしましょう🔥

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In Ukraine (and Russua) we have quite a few mythical creatures that could make some pretty cool pokemon.
So I drew them,in that case I though what if леший (leshii) водяной (vodyanoi) and домовой (Domovoi) were the final stage of the same pokemon like Eevee or Applin.

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This week's is a DOMOVOI + FANCY TEAPOT.

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KENKOZNEONK FEAT KJHOURIE here's a domovoi and bubamara!!!!!!! https://t.co/X13i0q6Wgk

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