Entity 29: Ghost Writers
Classification: Ectoplasmic manifestations

Heidi, Fee-Dee, Normy, Ann-Gree, and Evie. They wrote the Grand Tomes visited in Yooka-Laylee and haunt them in death, rewarding those who find them. Not that they make it easy...

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Entity 5: Ghost Barrel
Classification: Inanimate Remnant

The limestone of Creepy Caverns is an excellent conductor of spiritual energy. Similar to Ghost Ropes, Ghost Barrels are the remanifestation of Barrel Cannons long thought destroyed...

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Entity 1: Kloak
Classification: Kremling Ghost

Unable to fully manifest, Kloaks are similar to the Haunted Coats of Ghoulhaven Hall in that they, well, haunt a coat. May have been Krooks in life. Known to throw barrels, bananas, and bugs.

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