Woah, regional variants of donphan... Neat

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Thought I would try and draw a different form of Donphan. (Fakemon)

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I like donphan. Donphan is cool.

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【Poncho Wearing Slowpoke Set】No.129
A Slowpoke with Donphan costume to cosplay as a Donphan.
Pls follow and like if my works make you laugh lol🤣🤣

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It's a "realistic" take on the Pokémon Donphan.

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Today in Rocket History: February 10, 2005, AG114: "Roll! Loving Donfan!” aired in Japan.

Nyasu comes up with some… interesting ways Sakaki could use Donphan. None of which Musashi and Kojiro approve of for obvious reasons.

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Suelen vivir en grupos de media docena dentro de grandes manadas de Son especialmente juguetones y les encanta cruzarse con humanos en sus migraciones porque a menudo les lanzan cosas para que jueguen con sus trompitas.


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It's a little weird that they replaced Glalie, he was actually really, really good during the Hoenn League.

But I'm glad that Ash evolved his Phanpy into a strong Donphan. They should let some of the older Pokémon evolve too, like they did with Quilava in DP

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