Fan Art 🍣🐋

2 13

Thank you for voting!! Mine is 2, did you get it right?

4 8

Design Game! 正解が発表されました!私のデザインした🍣🐋は、④!!!でした~~!!!みんな私っぽさ感じてくれてて笑っちゃった!!!予想投票下さった皆さま、他参加者様、素敵に描いて下さった主催のPhylさん、本当にありがとうございました!!

5 46

Everyone thank you for all your predictions! Here's my design for the game and my own predictions for other participants. I was surprised to see that 3, 5 and 6 were voted the most on my poll 😂 It was interesting to read everyone's analyzations! Thank you very much!!

8 35