"With Razumikhin he had got on, or at least he was more unreserved and communicative with him. Indeed, it was impossible to be on any other terms with Razumikhin." Welcome to our bromancing

5 31

“What do you think, would not one tiny crime be wiped out by thousands of good deeds?” ("Crime and Punishment")

13 105

'... we often used to talk in agitation in Petersburg, ... before we came away. I think of it with a smile. Crossing the frontier I felt myself in safety, a sensation, strange and new, for the first time after so many years... ' https://t.co/12pvvGzXw1

3 3

'...genuine sorrow will sometimes make even a phenomenally frivolous, unstable man solid and stoical; for a short time at any rate; what’s more, even fools are by genuine sorrow turned into wise men, also only for a short time of course ...' The Devils.

2 6

“...yes, to be enslaved to you is a pleasure. There is, there is pleasure in the ultimate degree of humiliation and insignificance!"...But maybe I want to try other pleasures as well.”

6 15

"These, or something like these, were Ivan Ilyitch's reflections, (a man says all sorts of things sometimes to himself, gentlemen, especially when he is in rather an eccentric condition)." https://t.co/rkQ5mxZlPI

2 12

"Lack of originality, everywhere, all over the world, from time immemorial, has always been considered the foremost quality and the recommendation of the active, efficient and practical man..."

Welcome to our original

3 13

"And what does ridiculous mean? Isn't everyone constantly being or seeming ridiculous? Besides, nearly all clever people now are fearfully afraid of being ridiculous, and that makes them unhappy" (Brothers Karamazov)

5 27

is back tomorrow, and guess what... the theme is free this time! So do come along and share your favourite moments with us!

4 7

“Marriage is the moral death of every proud soul, of all independence.” ("The Possessed")

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'... in Switzerland, I was strolling about alone and miserable, when I came upon the children rushing noisily out of school, with their slates and bags, and books, their games, their laughter and shouts—and my soul went out to them.'

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Modelled along the lines of Dostoevsky’s first wife Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, Sonia’s stepmother, consumptive, overchallenged, hysterical Katerina Ivanovna and her three little children star in some of the most haunting family scenes of world literature.

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