In honor of MLK, the YCBA will have a display in the Study Room on Wed, Jan 18, 1–4 pm. Visit:

William Blake, "Awake! Awake Jerusalem! . . ." 1804–1820, hand-colored etching

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"In other words Marshall... you owe me 200 dollars."

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Today we honor and remember the impact of a man who has inspired and influenced the lives of many. Martin Luther King Jr's bravery, actions, and everlasting philosophy are immeasurable and something we will forever be grateful for.

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Today marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. King. His purpose is as important today as it was on April 4th 1968.

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“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

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Jessie B. Telfair's Freedom Quilt was inspired by her own experience at the beginning of the movement when registering to vote was enough to cost her a job. As we reflect on legacy this we honor all those who fought and continue to fight injustice.

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