Un recolor de este dibujo de Vegeta del 2020, espero que les guste.


5 37

I've wanted to draw these two villains together for a long time. This design was not drawn for anyone, so it is available.😊

2 6

I decided to color this genga of . It was in my gallery for a long time and I couldn't not do it, I hope you like it.


19 115

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que publique algo terminado¡😁
. Esta vez les traigo este Gogeta ssj blue
De hace tiempo¡✍️
Fue algo tardado pero al fin aquí está¡¡🙏

3 14

Well that's it. I'm not going to go back to drawing dbz, but I liked doing it again.


22 135

I haven't posted for a long time, because I no longer draw DB. I did this recently because I saw the shit that Yamamuro made. I wanted to give an air to the classic yama I ate at my old jobs.


10 125

Aquí cambie un poco la perspectiva del plano , expandiéndola para que no se vea tan comprimida.

No le pongo firma ni más, por que no deja de ser un edit


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