"Put on thy whole armor of God, and shoot thee devil in the face where he stand."

Jericho Cross-
Cassidy Sharp- Lex LeBron

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After having a blast at my first ever I commissioned some line art from of Grace cosplaying as Winry from FMA! It was fun to go back to traditional colors for a piece.

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Look at the the beautiful art we picked up at !!! We’ll share more as we go through our stuff!

Shout out to the

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We're guests of this weekendin ❤️ We're going to be in at table 430. Seriously guys, we LOVE this show, if you've never been, you should go!!!

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Got the initial bulk of costume packing done, so I can now finalize my cosplay line up for

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Ok so is coming soon & I have a few cosplays I would love to put together. Thx anyone in advance for any form of generosity.
Jane Lane /Super Tina/Sailor Uranus Witch

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