Oooo, much interesting giveaway! Thank for opportunity! ^w^

I is a Dragonic Slime, shorten name is a Dragoop, as I is able to match a the humanoid shape due to my shapeshifting, as a blue Dragoop, I also have abilities to produce nice clean water and have access to Ice Magic! X3

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My name was decided by my community! Peeps suggested names they thought suited me, I also said that if they didn’t know me too well I would post my art as some inspiration! The art was of my OCs the Dragoops and I chose from a space themed name, an artsy name and my name now! X3

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Yes you can!! They called bluu, he be a dragonic slime, otherwise known as a Dragoop!

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Hey peeps, time to
We’re starting with the Blue Dragoop, called Bluu! Blue Dragoops have the ability to change the shape of their bodies, they use it to mimic things they are curious of. They can also secrete clean water!

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