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His signature power is basically an draugr (Not undead but something more unearthly)

Aside his tremendous strength and size, he can control energy and summoning fallen warriors Heimdall "horn"

His greatest feat was hunting other gods including slaying an bear god https://t.co/Q4Oy9vslMa

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Name is Draugrnaut! I’m a Horror/comedy streamer based on the legendary French monster, the Beast of Gévaudan! Playing through RE4 currently, and I play indie games on the weekend. Left a follow. Thanks for your interest!

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I was gonna space this out so I don't have content draught from Factorio addiction but I simply must post everything I finish immediately

Have a Net

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"부정의 망령(Mixter Wraith)" 니시키오리 유라 (올드 레이스/머시너리)
"뇌신의 고동(Pulsing Flat Line HEART)" 라이가 (강화병/칠드런)
"가속성망(Last Swingby)" 우에하라 킨세이 (장착자/셀리더)
"피와 죽음의 자식(Draugar)" 율타이드 (요툰의 피/레니빙)

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German painter, draughtsman and treatise-writer Anton Raphael Mengs was born 1728.
He was an outstanding artist of early neoclassicism. Pictures: self portrait (1755) + Diana and Helios from the boudoir of María Luisa of Parma (1765).

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Oh, he was a fascinating artist! Died too young (46!). Writer, composer, painter and draughtsman (see pics below). Author of "The Nutcracker" on which the ballet is based. I have a fascination for magical realism literature (e.g. The Golden Pot). Love his 📖

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I was lucky enough to see a stunning pencil drawing by the artist and draughtsman of the 19th century Joseph Weiffenbach (dates of birth and death unknown)which depicts two beautiful oriental women. And as usual, I am happy to share this masterpiece with you, my friends.✏

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Have you read these UMA2022 nominated short stories? Bears & Bravery, by Gre7g Luterman, Draught Horse, by Huskyteer, Null, by Elise Zoe Heider, The Otter's wings, by Mary E. Lowd, The Swift-Footed Darling of the Rocks (Do NOT Actually Call Me That), by Marie Croke.

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Good Morning Everyone
Viggo Vagnby (1896-1966 Danish )
Beginning today with these charming posters by Viggo Vagnby . Trained as a Draughtsman and Architect . He travelled to France to perfect his skills.
Set up his own drawing office in Aalborg. Love these

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Monster March - Day 2 | Draugr

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Sketchbook idea for a new series of portraits of people doing good in the wold. is one such individual. Pencil, and pen and ink in sketchbook.

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『We Are the Champions』Queen

Mēs esam čempioni, mani draugi, un mēs turpināsim cīnīties līdz galam.
Mēs esam čempioni Mēs esam čempioni


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Draugr (Old Norse) is an undead zombie-like creature from Scandinavian literature. Draugar oft dwell in caves, graveyards, and other ancient burial sites guarding treasures. It is oft said that any mean, nasty, or greedy person can becometh a draugr, best remember thy manners.

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This week is love week so might as well take advantage of it and post these two galactic criminals!

Draughts is hoping to be extra spoiled by Checkers this year!

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i do a really good job of forgetting to draw for myself except when im drawing in a magma so all my recent oc art is all magma art
1. alfirk (beta cephei) 2. hydrobius (zeta hydrae) & alphard (alpha hydrae) 3. phobetor, poltergeist, & draugr (exoplanets PSR B1257+12 A, B, & C)

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