A Gorgonops (gorgon face) returns to the cave it cached leftovers from an earlier meal. These therapsids existed 250 MYA during the Late Permian.

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Issi saaneq means "cold bones" in Greenland's indigenous Kalaallisut language. This particular Late Triassic plateosaurid is warming it's bones in a mud hot spring. Not only is the mud soothing, but it helps to ward off parasites.#DrawDinovember

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A couple of playful Tupandactylus navigans fly past some lenticular clouds. The incredibly preserved fossil of this Cretaceous pterosaur was confiscated during a police raid in Brazil in 2013, along with thousands of other specimens.

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Ancient fish are so strange and and fascinating. Furcacauda is a Lower Devonian (400 MYA) jawless fish who's fossils were found in Canada. The eyespots I put on them are purely speculative,but that nautiloid does think it's looking in a mirror.

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The Late Triassic (230 MYA) archosaur Poposaurus gracilis is more closely related to living crocodilians than dinosaurs, despite being a swift biped. This one is about to scavenge on a temnospondyl that recently passed away.

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Don't worry Zhanghenglong, this isn't the big one, just a close call. This hadrosaurid iguanodont is safe for now, as it's an another 20 million yrs before for the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs hits the Earth.

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Keep moving Albertosaurus. This mother Quetzalcoatalus stands guard over her emerging flaplings. They may be small and vulnerable now, but once fully grown they will be that largest flying animal that has ever existed with a 33-36 ft wingspan.

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Kakuru "Rainbow Serpent" is know primarily from one fragmented tibia found in a South Australia opal mine. Discovered in 1973 it had been sold to a private collector and had been lost to science until 2004.

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Pelagornis sandersi was a widespread Ogliocene pseudotooth bird, they had the widest wingspan at an est. 20 feet making them the largest flying birds to ever exist.

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A large Eurypterus caught in a wave on a Silurian sea (420 MYA). Commonly called "sea scorpions" certain species of this group were the largest arthropods that ever lived with Jaekelopterus est. to reach up to 8.5 feet long.

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A graceful Hippodraco (HorseDragon) jumps a Cretaceous ravine.#DrawDinovember Thanks to for the suggestion 😊

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This hungry Bunostegos (knobbly roof) is a cow-sized parareptile that lived in the central deserts of Gondwana during the late Permian, which was in the midst of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (260 MYA).

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