
『Original Character: "Ruriko Tachibana"』
A Character who is created for Drawfest, and also will be used in mystery stories in future.

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Wow I put out a lot of stuff this month (lots of Ina lol)

From the new outfits, to drawfest, and the comic, this month was very fulfilling.

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初めてのAdobe Fresco〜
First time using I would say it has the potential to become next SAI on iPad.
This was for but there was no way I could finish a drawing in 2 hours( ;∀;) HBD!

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Ina celebrating her birthday with you through her Tako-Eats special strawberry cake package!
I wasn't able to finish the drawing during Drawfest, but now is completed!
Hope you like this Ina-llustration and Happy Birthday Ina! 🐙🎂

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