─✧ In response to 's piano on fire meme, I present you... Violin Archery Rey

💻 by dreamstime
🎨 by me

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See this is just not cool. Ai scrapers are using sites like Getty Images and Dreamstime to train their generators. Those are copyrighted images. You tell me THEY gave consent for their inventory to be sampled?

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Sueña la Luna que es mosca
y que al fin puede volar.
Sin saber que en una trampa
muy pronto se va a atascar.
Desesperada aletea
intentando escapar.
Pero es en vano su empeño,
de nada sirven sus mañas,
morirá en la telaraña
del avieso atrapasueños.


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Che particolare dipinto carissima Brin💖💖💖😘i colori colpiscono, la bella ragazza con capelli celesti e tanta giallo intorno, l’espressione un po’ triste perché the ruins hanno una significato ben preciso🌹🔝😘❤️💙🧡grz cara amica BG a te e amici

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I saw this style used for people on Dreamstime so I thought I’d create a self-portrait of myself. Kind of happy with it.

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Note: I traced the statue from a stock photo from Dreamstime

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It's lack that gives us inspiration. It's not fullness.

Ray Bradbury

📷 Dreamstime

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Check out my photo on Dreamstime

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