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先週「野生の島のロズ」を見てきた!とっても良かった。久しぶりの映画館で新鮮でした。ファンアート描きたいけど時間がとれないから推しキャラのチャッカリのらくがき #野生の島のロズ #TheWildRobot
I grandi maestri del passato.
Sandro Botticelli, "Madonna del padiglione, 1493 circa - Milano @Ambrosiana1609
#art #painting #sandrobotticelli
The Youth of Moses (detail), 1482 #botticelli #sandrobotticelli https://t.co/GuUZZtRRS7
Venus and the Graces offering gifts to a young girl, 1486 #earlyrenaissance #sandrobotticelli https://t.co/XNSvPlndRQ
Trinity (1491)
by Sandro Botticelli
Style: Early Renaissance
#art #painting #artoftheday #SandroBotticelli #EarlyRenaissance
@rrosecellavivi @scastaldi9 @SusanScCastaldi @shogyomujoBot @liliana_dorina @lines_five 🌱
Here and now
heal the heart
be saved
only art
but art
#ManRay #FrancisPicabia #MarcelDuchamp
#Inframince #Picabiaism #Duchampism
#諸行無常 #胡蝶の夢 #脳内融和
And if fifty years ago, everything would have been different?🌠
Fan art in HD:
Madonna of the Book, 1479 #earlyrenaissance #sandrobotticelli https://t.co/G62T2QKVlB
These are cool.
@SouthPark x @Kidrobot
#SouthPark #KidRobot #EnamelPin
The Cestello Annunciation (1489)
by Sandro Botticelli
Style: Early Renaissance
#art #painting #artoftheday #SandroBotticelli #EarlyRenaissance
Madonna with two angels, 1468 #earlyrenaissance #sandrobotticelli https://t.co/eqRf3xtf3W
The Cestello Annunciation (1489)
by Sandro Botticelli
Style: Early Renaissance
#art #painting #artoftheday #SandroBotticelli #EarlyRenaissance
The Youth of Moses (detail), 1482 #earlyrenaissance #sandrobotticelli https://t.co/GuUZZtRk2z
Last Communion of St Jerome (1495)
by Sandro Botticelli
Style: Early Renaissance
#art #painting #artoftheday #SandroBotticelli #EarlyRenaissance
Venus and the Graces offering gifts to a young girl, 1486 #botticelli #sandrobotticelli https://t.co/XNSvPlmG2i