Bobby bola after his penjualan PC disk game goes surut karena udh beda peradaban buat orang main game edukatif lagi so now he's forced to get a serious job by his developer

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if dukat had a meme page he would post shit like this

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🚨AtTeNtIoN bAjOrAn WoRkErS🚨
that gul you love to hate, Dukat

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Дукати (Dukaty) - necklace which is usually made from corals/glass beads and coins.

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„Wow! Ist das nicht Bianka, die Schönheit aus Dukatia City?! Kann ich bitte ein Autogramm haben? Moment mal... Ich bin Bianka!“
- Bianka, Masters

Von welchem Trainer hättet ihr gerne ein Autogramm?

Mehr von Bianka:

2 16

Na današnji dan, šestog aprila 1941. sile Trećeg rajha su napale Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju.

Najmlađi učenici će o tome moći da nauče više u novoj edukativnoj grafičkoj noveli koju pripremamo i na kojoj sarađujemo sa talentovanom mladom umetnicom

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"la bandera es una identidad"

ya se te cayó la careta de "buena" persona, hipócrita

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I just love all the alien skulls in General Picard’s study. My favorite 2 are Zek and Dukat. Here is a sketch I did up for fun tonight featuring a Ferengi skull. Great work on all the skulls

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"The Prefect" A friend asked me to make a clearer/cleaner portrait of from a photo she had. I hope she'll be happy! 😀🦎#DS9

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I finally finished Star Trek a few days ago! Including ENT, I've now watched all the pre-modern Treks!

This is a stylized painting of Garak! He was unintentionally looking more like Dukat initially, and then Damar - hopefully he looks more like Garak now, haha.

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evil lizard man becomes even more evil than expected and gets his hair messy in the process

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Dukat vs Garak in my style. one is an olive and one is a cherry i guess

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doodle up Garak, he's much warmer in terms of tone than Dukat so i tried to emphasize that. pink boy

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Gul Dukat my despised (make the Cardassians more reptilian you cowards)

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Dukat is getting real tired of everyone disregarding his 'hard work'. It takes a lot of work standing around looking intimidating

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It's birthday! I mean, birthday! Happy birthday to the most influential Cardassian this side of the wormhole!

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