I have drawn some (not yet all ) of the duplicants of my ONI streams. I will draw more, even if the duplicant is gone Q u Q

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thanks for coming to the stream!

the reveal of Smort Beri™️! but i still wasnt smart enough to keep 2 of my duplicants from dying in oxygen not included...

stay worm and safe (and fed!)

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I may have been painfully distracted by Oxygen Not Included throughout the week!

It's one of those games that help you feel like an Engineer! Except that the more you learn, the less that you feel you know! 😅

Also the Duplicants and Characters are super adorable! ✨

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First colony, still breathing! There's lots to learn about - I can't let duplicants eat mush bars all the time... right? 🤔
Join the adventure on https://t.co/s2ksQLimYn

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all of my duplicants are starving and suffocating rn lol

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I've discovered a new game!! Oxygen not Included!! My first introduction to the game was through . Recently I wanted to try and create some duplicants in the same format as the game so I created a Markiplier Duplicant. Thanks for the lets play's Mark!! Have a fan art!

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I love how cute the duplicants look that I had to draw them! (anime style)

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