(Hey guys I’m going to stay at the hospital again,I almost died for like the 4rth time and now I gotta stay here again)

Slaaaayyyy AUUUUGGHHH slaaayyy

( )

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Duscha pretend to forget where she actually come from but she is in fact remember. She used to be known as Beatrix of the North and in her village was treated like a saint/goddess because she brought fortune to her village. Until calamities happened, Duscha was blamed by everyone

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356. Duscha/Beatrix

An archivist and witch from Eastern Country. She's a cheerful and happy go lucky lady who's well known to be knowledge able about history of the countries. She refer herself with her name and tends to be childish despite her age and looks.

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Sinceramente me encantó el resultado 🐢✨
Félix y Duscha se conocieron de una manera muy extraña.

No le sé a los #

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Our DM gave Van Richten a new student, Duscha! It's going to be a trend where we have extra NPCs to help our party better connect with the story.

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Semuanya ucapkan gws Demy dalam per-oc-an🗿🙏🏻

Ini para witch aja btw, ada Sage tapi belom tampak bakal jadi yume romance sih
Yang udah dipake pairing baru Dolce, Sherry, Corbin

Btw di gambar keempat Duscha https://t.co/vMpXz3ocL8

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I finally finished all of the Christmas presents for my Dungeons and Dragons players! These are their characters: Duscha, Ikki, Selkie, and Layla.

I'm really, really proud of these, and they were so fun to work on.

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Day 2

Tho actually in the end I will love them more than before www
Ocs: Yuudai, Ula, Dolce, Duscha

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A gift for for our art server's holiday gift exchange! This is xir character Duscha from the dnd campaign I'm running.

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