“In short, in the dyadic relationship with the mother the child gives her, in immediately accessible form, what the masculine subject lacks: the very object of his existence appearing in the real. As a consequence ...

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Following my I am both really excited and terrified to share a passion-project of the last ~2-3 years: my dySEM package for automating latent dyadic SEMs in R (https://t.co/Ic7CmjBW5w). A thread: 1/x

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“My Father Speaks of Arthur”

Oil on 80cm canvas

There’s a dyadic relationship between the poem and painting which celebrates the life and work of the late Arthur Berry.

Arthur influenced many creatives in The Potteries as tutor, fellow artist and sometime drinking partner.

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Dyadic Speech-based Affect Recognition using DAMI-P2C Parent-child Multimodal Interaction... https://t.co/72dKnG2Dm0

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So these two are the start of my fourth Legio project. Manus Faturum and Dyadic Singularity of the Only going to make a Regia maniple for these guys... unless I accidentally get even more titans later in the year.

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Non-linear approximation in a Haar wavelets basis performs an adaptive approximation on a dyadic partition.

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The new walk cycle for Huang to go with the new makeover! Great Work

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