……ほらチョコだ 受け取れ

……Here's chocolate.Take it.

525 4400

久しぶりに字幕で見たのでセリフを集中して聞いてたら「I'll be right here」をラスト以外にも何回か言ってるし!

1 9

Doujinshi has been translated into English.
Click here to continue.The link is for adults.

123 838

🍧The guest illustration for Namie sensei

——Welcome to Namie's cake shop! Today's dessert chef is Jacknife.There are Pepe hazelnut Cocoa Basque, Goldenglow strawberry tart, Mizuki blueberry sea salt cake. Please enjoy. ^ ^

2364 12217

OH NO E.T is here 🛰️

126 1645

Finally my patreon got approval and I will be uploading exclusive contents and comics at there. Also ofcuz I will still uploading drawings/commissions at public as usual. You can see a Patreon Link at my bio, already uploaded some on there.Thanks for supporting me so far^^

24 376


Ame.Thanks for another great day!
Only 4 days left in 2024, I'm going to miss you early next year, but I'll try to get over it little by little!

Ame, do you have any aspirations for next year?
I wish you many more dreams come true next year!

0 1


2 12

Did you know that Shinki's wings were actually supposed to be black? It's mentioned in Mystic Square's OMAKE.TXT!
They have a purple color in game so they could be seen better. https://t.co/R2A1YC6POt

49 227

Katiana Sarkissianさん(#katsarkissianvo)のOC、Risetteちゃんを描きました。ありがとうございました✨
I painted Katiana Sarkissian's OC, Risette.Thank you ✨

25 97

One fine day, my grandmother landed in this city on an airship.The first person to find her was a young man chasing his dream.He was captivated by her mysterious charm and they fell in love.They eventually married, opened a small bakery, and became beloved by the people of the… https://t.co/YDo9WMD3uf

9 72

The original characters are drawn in this style.Thank you for looking at my work!👀✨

19 64

こよクロ描く時WAO!!とP.E.T.交互に聴いてる 温度差で風邪引くまじ

0 15

I saw this beautiful woman on the train on my way home.The clothes are the same.

47 224

👩作家様御本人の を皇キユ風味で!

https://t.co/tina5laiJN https://t.co/hAu1cPw8R4

2 18