CM: NOCTUA ECF32-45457

Have I ever told how much I love reversed joints?

17 88

GENUINE UNDEAD was purchased for 0.4 ETH by 0x4eC7…6eCf

1 1


✒_이름: 아이덴 큐 (Iden Q)
✒_나이: (?)3학년
✒_키: 154cm
✒_생일: 2/28

마크 : ✒💦
대표색: 물빠진 청색
✒_팬아트: (일정표나 트위터만) / (어디든 괜찮을때)
✒_센시티브 🫣:

40 114


✒_이름: 아이덴 큐 (Iden Q)
✒_나이: (?)3학년
✒_키: 154cm
✒_생일: 2/28

마크 : ✒💦
대표색: 물빠진 청색
✒_팬아트: (트위터만 사용가능) / ( 어디든 써도 괜찮을 때)
✒_센시티브 🫣:

12 47

Tentacles of the Tarantula Nebula
Credit: ESO; Acknowledgments: J. Alves (Calar Alto), B. Vandame, and Y. Beletsky (ESO); Processing by B. Fosbury (ST-ECF)

0 0

⚔️Bid war Arena!⚔
To collectors, get ready for the war. choose your avatar and let’s fight.
Let’s fight and see who is going to be the winner!

Contest held by

My wallet address 0xA95ABb2F0b42E2Fb422F9ecF97fc925b484D4C65

15 35

Ten years ago already!
"Cosmopolitanism and the Radical Politics of Exile in Charlotte Smith's /Desmond/," by Fuson Wang
ECF 25.1, Fall 2012

1 3

auction is live! 🎯
many many thanks to "0x0491…2ecF" for choosing my artworks! 🎨🙏

7 43

I am inspired by my wonderful mother . She raised two kids on her own (we did not make it easy haha) and also has always been extremely supportive of me and my art. She’s a wonderful artist too! (See attached pics!)


0 10

Another suggestion for a weekend read:
an ECF article
Transformations of Gender and Race in Maria Riddell's Transatlantic Biopolitics,
by Melissa Bailes

2 3

Nice to join in the fun

12 64

Visiting 2015 essays for today's ECF tweets:
"Pox on Both Your Houses: The Battle of the Romeos"
by Leslie Ritchie ECF 27.3-4 (2015)

2 0

Many thanks to the 41 scholars who submitted essays so far in 2021. The ECF editors currently have 12 submissions under consideration, at various stages of the review process.
We're here! Please do send us your work:

1 13

Really love the cause behind with profits going to the Elephant Crisis Foundation (ECF) in the form of donations to protect elephants. Great art and an even greater cause: happy to be a part of this project!

13 32