Our July Nut Drop has landed! We wanted to keep the celebration going and share our wedding with the entire nut fam. 💒🍷🥜✨🍾💘

2 nuts are better than 1 in this special portrait of us on the big day!

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Right yes, Twitter exists😟

Time for me to disappear again for 2 months or something hHSHD💀

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You know the drill!

First 300+ Whitelists are now available on discord!

And DaBois are now on pre-sale at https://t.co/bXbgT3xrw5 Genesis Project!

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Back in his Bullingdon Club days Boris Johnson would delight in burning money in front of the poor.
And as PM he still loves doing it 💸🔥🎩

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The only surprising thing about this very apt cartoon is the magazine which features it

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Here we go again

The tories will have known the data on this long before yesterday’s restrictions bonfire announcement & still went ahead 🤯

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Back in the good ol’ days when BoJo had a potty heid instead of scanty pants on his toilet brush noggin. He must have said he’d done cocaine “once” at the time, aye it’s all captured in cartoon technicolour for po(s)t(eri)ty.

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I’m back from the dead (again). This week’s cartoon for “Monkey See, Monkey do” Boris has announced zoos will reopen.

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Today’s cartoon for is the last one 😢Hopefully they can fundraise to bring me back on board. 🙏🏻❤️ Big thanks to Mike for the last year: best editor ever

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Boris Johnson thinks Devolution will be a disaster.
Fair play to him, when it comes to disaster Bozo is the expert. 🤔

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100,000+ Brits dead from Covid.
But let's feel sorry for Boris Johnson and his crocodile tears.


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My cartoon for tomorrow. The raging battle between covid and the vaccines, in the hands of BoJo and his minions.

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