Feeling a bit battered from ? What would Rocky Bearboa do? Well, other than advertise Warbeartons bread

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One things for sure, a party like this shouldn't even be in the picture.

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from the archive - lets remind ourselves of the runners and riders

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Big day for Great Britain. Please don't forget to Bear hugs!

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On the cover: Selecting the right watchdogs for the city and county (Illustration by )

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Fores' 1804 looks rather familiar don't you think?!

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My cartoon Saturday : The Nasty Party get low down and dirty

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is kicking off but we "vote for art". Subjective, inspiring and not full of crap!

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Another cartoon, disguised as a family meal, in

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4-months of electioneering starts 'Starting gun fired' as Tories launch poster http://t.co/viI64yQtnp

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