

2 10


📌quedan solo minutos para que estas votaciones acaben

📌 Utilicen

Vamos démoslo todo!

30 34

표정은 우주까지 쏘아 올렸지만 코앞에서 떨어진 모습에 스탭들마저 박장대소 해버린거야...ㅎ

291 224

📢📢📢 now is the time to fight! We need every vote our fandom has. So keep voting and streaming! They have worked so hard and right now is our turn. For We can do it! 💜🕊️

298 279

The pink wig Lady Gaga wore during her Born This Way photoshoot by Nick Knight is now part of a SHOWstudio exhibit.

77 22

proud to create art for u and being part of the best fan base <3

24 3

Hey Girl, Hey Girl
We can make it easy if we lift each other! 💘

124 34

"Take my hand, stay Joanne"

Art by Evandro Módulo from Brazil

7 9

RT y te sigoo 🌚
Por cada RT estamos votando 💕

280 154

I'm a believer, it's chaos
Where are our leaders?

72 11

Diamond Heart or Angel Down?
Quote with your choice and use the hashtag

59 6

One day left c'mon we can do this

186 10