Today is First Friday! Spend some time adoring Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

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Today, we honor St. Peter Chrysologus, a 5th-century Italian bishop known for testifying courageously to Christ's full humanity and divinity during a period of doctrinal confusion in the Church.

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Saint Martha is mentioned in three Gospel passages: Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-53, and John 12:1-9, and the type of friendship between her and her siblings, Mary and Lazarus, with the Lord Jesus is evident in these passages.

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This Friday is First Friday! Spend some time adoring Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

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Today, on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, we pray for the faith and courage to always seek God's will before our own, and His ways before the ways of the world.

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Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Three Divine Persons in One God. A profound mystery. What a great and awesome God we have!

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from Pope Paul VI, the saint whose feast day is today.

From more about this holy pontiff and his prophetic teachings -

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Today, the Church honors St. Philip Neri, a priest and co-founder of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Trinity. He is the patron of Rome and the U.S. Army Special Forces.

⁣St. Philip Neri, pray for us! ⁣


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We are fighting physical and spiritual battles, and we rely on the hosts of heaven to intercede for us. St. George, pray for us! ⁣

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Children's Book Author Anthony DeStefano has done it again! This new book on the Blessed Mother, a sequel to Our Lady's Wardrobe, has even more gorgeous depictions of Mary in her special titles.

A perfect gift for Easter!

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Today, many Catholics in the U.S. celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The actual feast is on Jan. 6.

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Today is First Friday. Our Lord promises 12 special gifts to faithful souls who are devoted to His Sacred Heart:

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St. Monica, who persevered in prayer and teaches us to love without limit, pray for us!

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July 26 is the feast day of Sts. Anne and Joachim, grandparents of Jesus. Though not on the calendar this year because today is a Sunday, we can't help ask these saints to intercede for our grandparents!

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Today is the feast day of St. Camillus, patron of nurses. In the U.S.A, his feast is July 18.

During the COVID pandemic, we ask his intercession and pray for all healthcare workers.

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Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Three Divine Persons in One God. A profound mystery. What a great and awesome God we have!

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St. Monica prayed tirelessly for her son's conversion - he was a rebel and a troublemaker, but we know him today as SAINT Augustine, one of the greatest saints in our Church! Let us pray for conversion and reversion of our family and friends!

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