I just handed our editor the files for our upcoming superhero book ! Congrats to , , and I for wrapping up this wild and exciting design project!!! POW! BAM!! BIFF!!! Excelsior!!!

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AKA Daniel Vega, AKA Josh Spencer, & !!! Thanks again to the extremely talented artists who make the show the success that it is!!! Excelsior!!!

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For the man who brought inspiration, originality, and heart to superheroes and the people who love them.

Thanks, true believers. Excelsior!!!

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You were and always will be the comic book industry to me. From a kid when I met you, to briefly working with you are memories I'll cherish forever!
THANK YOU for all the stories all the entertainment through the years.
God bless and godspeed.
Rest in Peace

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Rest In Peace Stan Lee
We will forever miss you 😭

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Comic~ excelsior!!! *Q*
My submission for

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