Happy Xingtober 😳 I hope you like Lay’s design as much as I enjoyed making it 😍

X-EXO prints, photocards, and stickers will join my Etsy on Fri, Oct. 15th! Link in pinned tweet

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农历春节来之前 更个新…
🥰提前说句:新春快乐❤️🌈 健康平安

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Hihi another amazing music <3 still need to listening the rest of the album :3

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这是 又重新调整了一下20171120的一张旧图 原来的旧图就不贴了 这里也能找到 就放个改好的新图及新旧局部对比吧🙃🙃🙃唉~~~

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更新 大家用相机记录他演唱会的瞬间 那我用画笔来记录🥰🤪 灵感来自MrDimple_KL的照片

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练习 发现大家给他拍的机场照对我来说有毒 口罩有毒 看完就想给他画成这样儿 噗😅🙃🤣🤪看了星河花火911007和小朋友的照片后 引发的…“癔症”最近爱在纸上画 嗯~

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