•´¯`•» 𝟸𝟺𝟹𝟺 𝚞 + 𝟸𝟺𝟽𝟾 𝚌𝚙 + 𝟿𝟹𝟺𝟶 𝚞 + 𝟹𝟻𝟸𝟹 𝚌 + 𝟹𝟻𝟻𝟼 𝚞𝚙 «•´¯`•


197 253

— pretty bitches can’t do math 💫

[ ]

2 38

Also i have this one (I couldn’t choose lmao)
could use it next month still would be relevant looking at ExO pRoMoTiOnS🤠

27 227

🏁Honestly you da true

Body talk when you move 🏍

258 1449

Ok. I'm following Following the aesthetic side too (idk what I'm doing tho, idk how to edit aesthetically so I just pick color, fill and flip lmao). I don't have any selcas too, so... I upload my old drawing of myself instead 😂.

4 14

⁂ Just love me right ⁂


12 31