Today's inspiring print is Anne Bevan's 'Snowmilk'! It also happens to be a part of our display which showcases prints from over 50 women artists across 3 decades. This print is from 2003, therefore representing the 2010's!

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When a woman chooses to have you ever heard someone referring to her in a negative stereotyped way - like bossy, gobby, lippy? is encouraging women to reclaim language and be proud to use their voice 👉

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Here at TGV, we are celebrating International Women's Day for the entire month! 🎊💕

Watch Frozen 2, Captain Marvel and Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil movie reruns today:

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International Women's Day exists to remind us the other 364 days matter *just* as much.

Whoever we are – an equal world is an enabled world.

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Let’s hear it for all of the ladies on this 💜 I have had the privilege to illustrate many extremely talented and inspiring women. I hope we continue to see more women being raised up & given opportunities in the film industry & visual arts. Go sisters! 🙌🏻

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1/3 🌍 This we pledge to continue the fight for menstrual equity 🩸 ⁠Art Emma Michalcova

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Although, celebrating women should not be limited to just a day. Today we honour and recognize every woman in Africa making a difference. We see you making waves Ladies!
Happy International Women’s day!

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Today and for the whole month of March we celebrate all the amazing women who have helped to shape the world today—and continue to make strides toward a bolder and brighter future. This year’s theme is can all play our part in making the world a more equal place.

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This Akwa Ibom lady, Beatitude Umoh makes beautiful woodwork designs and she has amazing stories to share.
Pls Retweet 🙏

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Wanda Rutkiewicz - the best polish female climber on high mountains. Check out the other Poster Posse tributes:

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Finally, we have Baroness Jane Campbell, a leading campaigner and advisor for disability reforms. There are so many powerful women we've missed, so leave your favourite activists in the thread below. We'll retweet them to keep the legacy going! 🙌

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Inspired by this year's official theme from the wonderfully talented Amy Wallace. ❤️🙌🏼❤️ Happy

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Hear from Ambassadors Nellie Hughes , Felicia Prehn & Antonella Sassu . Covering production, disability and design UE!

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Here is a little sneak peek inside Muslim Women Are Everything

A collection of inspiring and stereotype-shattering stories that reveal the beauty and strength of Muslim women both past and present.

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