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In addition to peek-a-booing, patty-clapping, ball tossing, rope jumping, & fingerplaying, Sheila Kerwin & I shared / from our fav. magazines. 60 attendees recieved BABYBUG, LADYBUG, HELLO and HIGH FIVE magazines.

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Happy Share my bedtime w a young child. To build & phonetic recognition, point to words that begin w "B." Belly, bunny, bear, bottle, etc. More Reading Tips at https://t.co/uJia5aqsRd

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More on the benefits of "boredom" and daydreaming to children.
Read the full comic The Town Without Television: https://t.co/edKeUzSAQG

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The benefits of "boredom" and daydreaming to children.
Read the full comic The Town Without Television: https://t.co/edKeUzSAQG

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How do children learn to read? I tried to depict the way that children learn to read. Read the full comic The Town Without Television: https://t.co/edKeUzSAQG

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