Edelgard (to Claude): “And perhaps someday our pact will become a more permanent one. I hope so, at any rate.”

312 1549

“Are you here to earn my…..favor, Claude? Or did you come to make an attempt at my life?”

805 3578

edelclaude week, day 7: au

ask me about my messy and overly complicated fma fe:3h au someday

35 100

edelclaude week day 5: flowers

i just like..... flowers.... and flower symbolism

65 169

EdelClaude Week
days 3 + 4: future cooperation

195 582

A Wounded Deer - words by Emily Dickinson

42 73

Day 7: Free Day!

One of my favorite things in edelclaude stories is Trans!Khalid. Wish I could have contributed more but I didn’t have the time. Maybe next year! ☺️

16 26

Day 6 - Touch
I wanted to draw them together because they'd be such a power couple 🦌🦅

3 9