This is Eggzilla My new favorite Zilla!!!

4 19

Gas is low so had to do some stuff and claim 2 new from my and harvest some $Eggz to breed and hatch 2 new Eggzillas. And claimed my $Rage from my caged

5 19

sales going brrrrr lately!

You can check how to get your , Eggzilla and , $EGGZ and $rage all from

You can also use these as pets in

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Merry Christmas Polz, Polzillas, Eggzillas & Kongzillas

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There will be three tokens - $EGGZ, $RAGE & $NEMEZIS.
+ For now $EGGZ used to breed Eggzillas (Baby Polzilla) & battle in MetaRage
+ For now $RAGE used to battle in the MetaRage
+ For now $NEMEZIS used to mint Robotikz & battle in MetaRage

0 18

Eggzilla was another free mint. Any Polzilla holder could mint an Eggzilla as long as they had two Polzilla & 1,200 $EGGZ. In the future, Eggzilla owners will have the ability to claim a 3D Polzilla.

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Love my Eggzilla! Just vibing from the day he hatched!

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gm polz/ polzilla/ kongzilla/ eggzilla

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Minted some Polzillas! Getting those $EGGZ ready to mint some Eggzillas


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