If you had to pick one of the girls, who would you pick? Valentina (Right-Spider) or Ekko? (Left-Imp)

0 2

Uhmmm.. Ekko? What happened to your hair??? 🥲

0 9

PLUS I've also been equally critical of male champions. Out of our last 9 Male (mostly) human champs Aphelios is the only who who kept his shirt on, it's just a bit repetitive imo

Maybe can have another older man like Swain? or a young boy like Ekko? spice things up ya feel?

8 567

Dmitry as True Damage Ekko??

19 418

Female ekko? Yes or no 🕺

5 29


nossa é incrivel como eu demoro pra terminar um desenho

1 3


Riot i have an idea. How about model update for Ekko? No i wont stay quiet

57 360

Why you gotta call us out like that bekko???


0 3

¿podra resistir la armadura de tony contra la super filosa y devastadora motosierra de gekko?

4 27

Are you a fan of Meganekko? Which anime character has the cutest glasses?

189 1668

You guys like Ekko??? Me tooooooooo.

6 56