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Who is your favorite Spyro Dragon Elder?
魔人ちゃん♀と魔人くん♂はサンタです!後ろはクリスマスツリーとして古のもの(Elder Thing)(クトゥルフ神話の『狂気の山脈にて』に登場する。
#MerryChristmas2024 #クリスマス #オリキャラ #オリジナル #Majinchan
tehe! cw // crossover honkai star rail , hsr
oooh ternyata next characternya itu shielder imaginary😁
babu! hibur aku dong yang abis kespook banner neuvi, rencananya mau c1 eh yang pulang malah neuvi anemo, tabunganku buat mavuika juga udah abis :")
btw saran b4 shielder dungs, makasih 🫶
#TES・Fo・Sf版セリフでワンドロ 第120回
- Vaermina - The Elder Scrolls IV: OBLIVION
イラスト作成の参考にするために、3Dで雑にElder Thing作ってるんですけど、ガイド程度で良いと思っていたのに、Blenderが楽しくなって少しずつバージョンアップしているの図
Yahoo~ Minta tips lawan azhdaha dong… sender masih kurang paham smpe skrg hehe:( shielder terkuat sender cuma layla tapi. saking takutnya, sender selalu coop trs bantu lawan pake lyney dr jauh🥲
BNUY - Bombardier Nominal Unit Yielder MK I & MK II
Kunishige calls the sword wielders heroes but the sword wielders consider kunishige the real hero....
@tortangtalong44 Ahh naurr ano I was thinking of drawing AM tas eto inspo ko pero flag natin sa likod kasi super sakto yung primary colors tas the 8 rays represents his hair and and yung pagiging 8th wielder ng OFA…me thinks it looks cool aaaa
The Million Year Picnic and Other Stories by Will Elder, Al Feldstein, William Gaines, and Ray Bradbury
My review here: https://t.co/O5KqNWtSBr
i kinda want to make keychains of my homebrew warlock patrons.. (i call them elder beings) #dnd
I remember on elder scrolls online, i saw someone named like something bubble bun. I thought the name was cute, cuz bubble and bunny is cute. But... i learned what it meant. Cant you guys just say big butt
Uhhh heres repost
2022年から2023年にかけてここに投稿した、The Elder Scrolls IV: OBLIVIONの全年齢対象四コマ漫画のまとめです。Shivering Islesと戦士ギルドの話題多め。お楽しみください。 #oblivion
Keyblade Wielder Hatsune Miku using the Rhythm Mixer Command Style.
2023年の4月に発行したThe Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIMの全年齢向け四コマ漫画同人誌です。ほかにもオブリビオンとかスターフィールドとか聖剣伝説の漫画も置いてあるので暇つぶしのお供にどうぞ
The Aldrikians is the species to which Shin belongs. But the detail is that millions of years have passed since the Elder escaped. He is the last one of the species. They became smaller but still this explains why Shin is so tall compared to the other characters.They were giants