Emperor’s new clothes [Tony_Gospel Cover] Fan Art
ฉันมาสายดาร์กซะละเหรอเนี่ย 5555 แต่รูปนี้วาดสนุกมากกก ภุมิจัยย💖

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Yesterday a man tried to convince you that a banana was a pineapple. Decent people see through this rotten government. Others see the # EmperorsNewClothes Oh, and a pineapple.I’m away to work now hopefully he will be gone

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'The New Emperor' - my first artistic foray into the world of political satire.

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It will soon be Here is the perfect story to share by & . See our activity ideas for exploring this gorgeous book here https://t.co/Q47Q7Wmoye

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Estoy tarde para el dibujo de Halloween?
Bueno, este año hice a NoNamexTheEmperorsNewClothes.
Nunca subi nada de de Emperors, pero algun dia sera. Por el momento, conozcan a Zoe, William y Daimon

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