It's great that people are involved w/ the & movement but it's unfortunate that some posts push political agendas.

affects all political backgrounds. Let's work from all sides of the fence to make this world a better place.

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Hussa, Freedom to me means the right to be safe, to be happy and to be proud.

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4 million people worldwide are living in forced marriages. This is slavery. What word comes to your mind?

Etali Genesis Akwaji, CEO, : STOLEN

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40.3 million people are living as slaves worldwide, 5 times the population of What word come to your mind when you think of this? ❌⛔️


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We are inspired by what the youth have to say. When asked why we should care about human trafficking, a 16-year old student answered, “Because no life should be worth more than another.”

What would you 👍🎯

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