Matthew Elliot to be ennobled? For doing more than most to destroy the UK and make our lives so much worse? For using the disastrous Brexit to increase his personal fortune? My God, they are really laughing at us all! It really is time for a Revolution.

181 334

And I hungered for
her love like a bee unsated
craves for a drop of nectar.
Oblivious, that my love wouldn't be reciprocated.
by love, I keep aflame this torch of unrequited feelings,
Will I forever remain a jinxed lover?
Star-crossed and ill-fated?


23 152

A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars.

33 104

A really strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars. – Carly Simon

12 45

Further down the list I see Prince Belphegor has been ennobled for services to cursing academics in the British Library.

13 57

The King loved Le Brun’s vision & made him Court painter & ennobled him in 1662. Now he had control of decoration in the French palaces too. The Family of Darius (1660), The King Governs (1661), King Louis XIV (c1663) & Study for Alexander (c1660)

1 5

Eulogizing potatoes, kitchen utensils, pots or weaving equipment elevated daily life to high-art helping us to appreciate the overlooked & undervalued. As an artist he was often undervalued and misunderstood-the embodiment of the subjects he ennobled in his timeless art.

5 15