Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀

Reply to this post with your favourite Irish saying or phrase, and you could win an Skin!

Here's One for ya:
'Ah sure look it' which means.. to look back with huge satisfaction on an event 💚🐴

15 50

In 24 hours, they all disappeared–one by one, each newly-minted Equine Pioneer galloped away into wallets, leaving Quinn foal alone again T_T

19 86

When Quinn was born, he was foal alone. And then 14,000 freshly-minted Equine Pioneers appeared! Quinn was filled with excite-mint for his new neighbours.

21 90

Quinn looks like he's having a hay-'ll of a time. How is everyone enjoying the stable warming party?

If you havn't had the chance to show up yet - https://t.co/aMEGkfthf6

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