Prostasia Foundation envisions a world where policies regarding child sexual abuse are based on evidence and supported by leading experts. We advocate for effective strategies that will decrease victimization. You can help to

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Our community is coming through for us! 😍 We just received a $1000 Bitcoin donation. If you'd like to drop us some crypto too, you can do it here.

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Prostasia Foundation's prevention approach includes funding research and advocating for effective laws, but this is a challenging time for us. Help support us in the fight to end child sexual abuse!

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Most CSA organizations focus on addressing harm after the fact. Children deserve more preventative policies that stop sexual abuse in the first place. This is Prostasia Foundation's mission. by supporting our efforts!

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Out of every dollar Prostasia raised this year, over 40% went to fund research on CSA prevention: far more than any other group. Since a grant offer fell through, we now need the community to give back. We must raise $10,000 to keep operating through the year.

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The companies and government agencies that we criticize are so powerful, that mainstream donors won't give us funding. That means we're depending on you to help us raise $10,000 by November 30 to carry us through the year.

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